New Bug Causes iPhone Crashes: Avoid These 4 Character Types!

Rajiv Sharma

New Bug Causes iPhone Crashes: Avoid These 4 Character Types!

If you are an Apple iPhone user, it’s time to stay alert! A new bug has been discovered that poses a significant risk to iPhones and can cause your device to crash. In this article, we’ll discuss how this bug operates, which characters trigger it, and how to protect yourself and your iPhone from potential harm.

Understanding the iPhone Bug

Recent findings from security researchers on Mastodon reveal that the bug is activated when a user inputs specific special characters into their device. But what are these characters? Reports indicate that if any Apple iPhone user types the sequence of four specific characters (::) into either the app library or Spotlight search, their phone may crash. Notably, a TechCrunch report has pointed out that even typing just three characters (:) can activate this bug, resulting in a complete breakdown of the device.

What Exactly Happens?

When the bug is triggered, users report experiencing significant disturbances, including their screens going black for a brief period. This unexpected behavior compromises the user experience and can lead to frustration. As of now, Apple has not publicly addressed this issue or released a patch to resolve it, leaving users concerned about the stability of their devices.

Tips to Protect Your iPhone

If you want to safeguard your Apple iPhone from this bug, it’s crucial to avoid entering the specific sequences of characters that activate it. Stay vigilant and refrain from unintentionally typing those characters while using your device. Apple has a history of quickly addressing such bugs in the past, and we remain hopeful they will respond promptly to this new threat.

Anticipating Apple’s Response

While users are facing challenges due to this bug, it is yet unclear when Apple will roll out a software update to fix the issue. Until an update is available, remaining cautious is paramount. Regularly check your iPhone settings and ensure that your device is updated to the latest available software, as Apple often bundles security improvements in general updates.


The emergence of this new bug highlights the risks that mobile users face with their devices. By keeping these tips in mind, you can help protect your iPhone while awaiting a resolution from Apple. Remember, staying informed is the best strategy to avoid potential problems with technology. We will continue to monitor the situation for any updates or official comments from Apple regarding this bug.

Rajiv Sharma

Rajiv Sharma is an experienced news editor with a sharp focus on current affairs and a commitment to delivering accurate news. With a strong educational background and years of on-field reporting, Rajiv ensures that every story is well-researched and presented with clarity. Based in Mumbai, he brings a unique perspective to national and international news.