In the latest episode of Sony TV’s quiz reality show “Kaun Banega Crorepati 16,” 27-year-old Nareshi Meena from Sawai Madhopur won the Fastest Finger First round. Following her victory, Amitabh Bachchan lovingly invited her to take a seat on the hot seat. This moment became particularly poignant as Nareshi is battling a serious health condition: a brain tumor. Upon learning about Nareshi’s struggles, Amitabh was deeply moved by her resilience and cheerful spirit despite her illness.
Sitting on the hot seat, Nareshi answered every question posed by Amitabh Bachchan with remarkable confidence. Her answers indicated her determination, showing that nothing could stand in the way of her ambitions. During the question-and-answer segment, a video showcasing Nareshi’s background was presented, featuring her father revealing more about her health challenges.
Kya Nareshi apne maa-baap ka sirr garv se aur uncha kar payegi?
Dekhiye #KaunBanegaCrorepati, aaj raat 9 baje sirf #SonyEntertainmentTelevision par.
Nareshi’s Journey to KBC
After watching the video, Nareshi shared her story with Amitabh Bachchan, revealing, “In 2018, we discovered that I had a brain tumor. I underwent surgery for this tumor in 2019. Due to financial constraints, my mother had to sell her jewelry to fund my treatment. Unfortunately, the doctors were unable to remove the entire tumor during the surgery because it was in a delicate location. Now the doctors have suggested proton therapy, which is extremely expensive and only available in 2-4 hospitals across India, with an estimated cost of 25 to 30 lakh rupees.”
Amitabh Bachchan’s Support
Nareshi expressed her intention for participating in “Kaun Banega Crorepati,” stating, “I came here to win the amount needed for my treatment.” Hearing this, Amitabh Bachchan became emotional and told her, “Nareshi, I will do my best to cover the expenses for the proton therapy you need. Whatever amount you win from this show is yours, and you don’t need to worry about your treatment.”
Nareshi ki kaabiliyat aur himmat par hum sab ko garv hai!
Amitabh Bachchan’s Praise for Nareshi
When Nareshi attempted to thank Amitabh for his support, he praised her, saying, “It takes a lot of courage for a woman to openly speak about her illness on a national platform. We are immensely grateful for your courage. I believe you will go home with a substantial amount of money from this show.” On August 22, Nareshi is set to attempt answering a question worth one crore rupees.