It’s been a strange two years, filled with contradictions and improbabilities. The mRNA vaccines are an example. Scientists throughout the world collaborated to produce a very potent vaccination much more quickly than anyone had anticipated. The United States has one of the lowest immunization rates among developed countries, even though the doses have been available for more than a year. There are those in the United Kingdom who view vaccines as a tool of oppression if not an actual weapon.

Technology Trends


As a result of the COVID-19 lockdowns, a massive, unanticipated experiment in fully digital, immersive learning, work, and communication was initiated. Due to the impossibility of face-to-face communication, we resorted to technology to bridge the void. IBM claims that the epidemic sped up the transition to digital commerce and events by five years.

 As life goes back to normal, it’s quite improbable that this genie will be put back in its bottle. The events of 2020 and 2021 will speed up the widespread adoption of virtual and augmented reality in the years to come. Here at ForrestBrown, we have witnessed firsthand the evolution of augmented and virtual reality technologies.

 As holding events in person became impossible, one of our customers was the first to develop a 3D virtual event platform and broadcast studio. Virtual reality functions like these would exist solely in the cloud. The such cutting-edge invention is not yet available in stores. Its groundbreaking innovation and distinctive style set it apart.

 Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are also highly functional as learning environments. Another one of ForrestBrown’s customers has created virtual reality (VR) instruction for first responders to medical emergencies. A virtual reality (VR) empathy training package for would-be reality TV contestants is one example of unexpected innovation.

Online Betting

Because mobile sports betting is already so popular, saying that it’s the wave of the future is a bit of a stretch. The majority of the internet betting business, by some estimates, is made up of mobile betting, and this trend is expected to continue growing. As a result of the rise in the popularity of mobile devices, more and more online sportsbooks are catering to this market.

 Mobile betting is available in every major sportsbook nowadays. Some companies have devoted their resources to create applications, while others have optimized their betting websites for mobile use (Source: Mobile betting simply refers to gambling done using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. Aside from that, you can expect the same variety of wagers and odds as you would at any traditional sportsbook.

 The betting method and the presentation are where mobile online betting diverges from its desktop counterpart. Sportsbooks can’t display as many visuals on mobile devices as they do on computers because of the smaller screens.


The field of robotics is on the verge of a number of promising breakthroughs that will have far-reaching consequences. This is mostly because of developments in networking, AI, and vision and sensing technology. One area where these enhanced robots will be most noticeable is in production. We know that 69% of UK R&D is focused on industrial advancements.

 Robotic automation will make factories more productive, cheaper to run, and resistant to economic fluctuations. The adoption of smart manufacturing practices in the UK is imminent. Cobots, as the International Federation of Robotics calls them, will be more than just machines working alongside humans; they will be able to make decisions on their own.

By keeping humans out of harm’s way, these robot ‘workers’ will greatly increase workplace safety. Automating potentially harmful tasks is possible. Robots can also be used to eliminate the unpleasant or time-consuming aspects of certain jobs, such as bricklaying. Due to an “exceptional” lack of bricklayers in the United Kingdom, our customer Construction Automation has created the Automated Bricklaying Robot (ABLR).

Quantum Computing

The Prime Minister of Canada provided maybe the clearest and most understandable description of quantum computing. In 2016, when quantum computing was still seen as futuristic, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau provided a great description of it. Quantum computers, expressed simply, provide an enormous amount of computational capability.

 The fundamental unit of quantum information, or qubits, may store exponentially more data than the binary digits used in conventional computers. A qubit isn’t limited to either 1 or 0, but can really hold both states at once. Akin to the famous cat by Erwin Schrödinger, who was both alive and dead at the same time. Research and development in this field focus on putting theoretical understanding to use in the real world. The innovation lies in obtaining a sufficient number of Qubits to work with reliably; we already know what to do with them once we do.

The foundational understanding is solid; all that remains is to drive widespread adoption. When it becomes commonplace, quantum computing will spur technological growth and new ideas across many industries. Take pharmaceutical drugs as an example. Quantum computers have the potential to do calculations on far more chemical molecules than is now possible. This would greatly accelerate R&D by helping companies quickly identify potential chemicals.

Artificial Intelligence

An expert in the field of software, Tree, remarked that “AI” is often misused. What passes for artificial intelligence these days has less to do with actual, genuine deep machine learning and more to do with overzealous marketing teams. The ‘I’ in AI can be dissected to reveal a straightforward definition: Machines that can mimic human intellect in some way. Humans’ unique ability to think and act freely.

 The day when a machine can effectively duplicate (or perhaps surpass) our capabilities without human input is still far off, but “AI-led” enterprises are thriving in the meanwhile. ForrestBrown has assisted numerous companies in qualifying for R&D tax credits by virtue of their usage of AI methodology. This might be anything from a medical diagnostic tool to a fluid dynamics modeling program. Inventions driven by AI are permeating several fields.

 Artificially intelligent therapists, or “Woebots” as its developers dubbed them, are currently on the market. The real-world implications of AI are becoming increasingly complicated. ForrestBrown client Filament Consultancy Group utilized AI to remedy issues with Austrian German translation.

Tech Innovation

There is a wide variety of fantastic innovations happening in UK firms. These developments can be easily understood, or they may exist in the world of quantum mechanics. The competent R&D tax exemption partner can help identify all applicable activities and projects, as these technological developments have permeated every industry.

 Our team at ForrestBrown is dedicated to fostering new ideas and supporting the development of successful businesses across the United Kingdom. Regarding every facet of R&D taxation, we are ready to engage with you in a flexible and open manner. It’s research and development tax planning that lives up to your loftiest goals.


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