Cryptocurrency has become a strange and mysterious world, the likes of which are still incomparable to the real world. In the past years, many years, cryptocurrency went from being a concept to a way of life. As more and more crypto enthusiasts join this volatile market, choosing the right cryptocurrency to invest in will become increasingly important. This guide will help you choose the right cryptocurrency.

There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies, but not all cryptos are good investments. While Bitcoin is the largest crypto, you can learn about the altcoins at Here are some questions that will guide you.

1. Is It Applicable in Everyday Life?

Before you do, it’s important to consider if you can use cryptocurrency in everyday life. More specifically, will the coin be used for anything other than speculative purposes?

Suppose the cryptocurrency is being created to perform a function such as acting as an incentive mechanism for a network or providing rewards for data sharing. In that case, it’s likely a good investment. If the coin has utility, it’s more likely to be worth something over the long term. One great example of this is bitcoin, a digital currency that could be used for everyday transactions.

2. Does It Have a Large and Active Community?

When you’re crypto-investing, it’s important to give some thought to which coins you’re interested in. This is because the size and activity of a coin’s community can indicate its future success or failure.

A large community means that more people believe in the coin and want it to succeed. This means that more people are working on it, more people are talking about it, and more people support it by buying, selling, mining, or holding the coin.

An active community means that many people are engaged in the coin and its success by buying, selling, mining, or holding the coin. This can be measured by growth in recent weeks or months and engagement in social media.

3. Is There Potential for Widespread Adoption?

When you’re going through picking which cryptocurrency to invest in, you should consider if there is the potential for wide adoption of that cryptocurrency.

The best way to determine this is to look at a particular cryptocurrency’s market capitalization and daily transaction volume against its market cap or the total value of all coins in the system.

If a currency has a low market cap and daily transaction volume, it may have potential for wide adoption because there are not many users of that currency yet, which means there are many people who have not bought into using it. It also means there is plenty of room for growth.

4. Is It Unique and Innovative?

A basic rule of thumb is that if a cryptocurrency isn’t unique or innovative, it probably won’t be around in 5 years. For example, just because a new cryptocurrency uses blockchain laws technology doesn’t mean it will be around in 5 years. The same goes for a software platform built on top of a blockchain. If the technology offers nothing new or innovative, it’s unlikely to have staying power. But if you see something unique and innovative, you might hope that it’ll be around for a while.

5. Is the Code Open-source

Before you do, there’s one thing you can do to ensure that your investment is profitable and even secure: check if the cryptocurrency has open-source code.

There are two reasons you should be concerned about the code for a particular cryptocurrency being open source: one, it could mean that the crypto is not trustworthy, and two, it can tell you how much support the crypto has. If a cryptocurrency doesn’t have open-source code, it’s likely a scam and will never succeed. With open-source code, you can look at the code yourself to see what the currency is trying to do and if its developers are legit.

Open-source code also tells you how much support crypto has because it makes it easier for developers to answer questions and add features. Without this type of access to information, users can’t help improve the currency, leading to fewer people using it over time.

Open-source code means that anyone can see the code for a cryptocurrency. This can help you decide whether or not the currency is reliable and gives you an idea of the team behind it. If it doesn’t have open-source code, the chances are that it’s a riskier investment than ones with open-source code.

6. What is the Token Distribution Like?

If you’re looking to invest in a cryptocurrency, it’s important to look at how many tokens are in circulation. A coin with a larger number of tokens will be more stable than a coin with fewer tokens. That’s because if a company has a large amount of money and wants to buy 100 tokens, they’re going to have to spend more money for them than if there were fewer tokens available to purchase. This means there is less value in each token, so it’s not as valuable an investment.

There are also other considerations when looking at the natural token distribution of a cryptocurrency. For example, suppose the company wants people to hold onto their coins instead of spending them. In that case, you’ll find that they have a much lower token distribution concerning the number of users who have purchased and currently hold those coins. Since people are holding onto their coins instead of spending them, there’s less buying power in that currency, and it becomes less valuable as an investment.


When choosing the right crypto to invest in, there is no clear right or wrong answer. Every crypto that you should consider investing in will be a gamble at the end of the day. However, these questions will help you make better choices, especially with altcoins at Now that you know what to look for, you can start your crypto investment strategy.

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