Class 12 Exam Board Exam Preparation with NCERT Books

A thirst for getting a high score in Class 12th board examination is really important if
you’re in the race to become the topper of your school or board. But the question which
pops up in your mind is how to score well in Class 12 and what books to refer. You will
have to follow a proper schedule to score well in your Class 12th board examination.
NCERT is the best-suggested book for candidates who are preparing for board exams.
Students who are preparing for Class 12 can refer to this article.

The Government of India has assisted the National Council of Educational Research and
Training (NCERT) to assist the qualitative progress in Indian school education. The main
motto behind this is to create a common educational practice among all the students.
NCERT has authority to publish the NCERT textbooks. It also provides educational kits
and multimedia digital materials to help students with their studies.

Not only CBSE but also there are many state boards that follow the Vedantu NCERT
books from Class 1 to Class 12 in their curriculum. These books have been advanced in
simple and easier to understand all the concepts. The basics are explained so well from
lower level to higher level. NCERT is also one of the most recommended books for
various competitive exams like IIT, NEET, etc.

As per the official statistics, previous year only two students have secured 100
percentile marks of all the 12 lakh students who appeared for CBSE Class 12th board
examination. With the help of official stats, it could be analysed that scoring 95 and
more in Class 12 has become a trend these days, but to score more than 98% in Class 12,
you will need an edge over others.

Going through the CBSE NCERT books is a pivotal part of your preparation for Class 12
board exams. Working on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 will clarify your doubts in regards
to any question and improve your application skills as well. Innards on NCERT Solutions
for Class 12 will not only help students to secure good marks in their board exams but
also helps to clear the toughest engineering entrance exams such as JEE Main, JEE
Advanced, BITSAT etc.

The Edge of NCERT Books:

Good marks are really important for every student to succeed in life. Class 12 marks will
decide which stream to be chosen by the students. Not only does the good scores help
to create a good impression of the student but it also helps to create the career of the
student. While getting jobs also, a student who gets good marks uniformly is preferred
more than others.
The advantage of NCERT books is that the answers to the questions contain plenty of
exercises for the students to practice. Practicing these exercises help the student to
clear their concepts. Once the concepts are cleared, they will be able to score good
marks in their exams. Also, while practicing the numerical, they have to use various
theorems and formulas. Thus, they learn the exact places where they should use the
formulas or theorems. In addition to this, after solving the complicated questions of the
study materials, the students often find the answers to the exam questions quite easy to
Thus, it is understandable from the above that there are many advantages to the NCERT
books. These advantages make the NCERT books extremely useful for students. Proper
use of these books helps the students to score good marks in the exam. Thus the use of
NCERT books or materials plays a massive role in helping the students to attain good
marks. For these reasons, the books are in very high demand for the students.

NCERT Notes:

NCERT has provided notes for all the subjects to make it easier for the students to revise
them quickly. It is also suggestible for the students to note down the key points,
formulas, and concepts which are to be remembered. NCERT notes are compiled and
formed as short notes for the students.

NCERT Question Papers:

The question papers are basically prepared by the CBSE and other boards in line with
the NCERT guidelines. By solving these, students will get an idea about how to solve
questions with different methodologies. They can understand the question paper pattern,
important topics that are repeated frequently and mark distribution.


NCERT books, question papers, and notes are the best-referred materials for boards and
competitive exams like IIT JEE, NEET, AIIMS, etc. NCERT exemplars are a kind of practice
books which consists of higher-level questions, apart from NCERT textbooks. NCERT
exemplars books accommodate numerous conceptual problems, which not covers CBSE
board exams but also covers the competitive exams like JEE Mains and JEE Advanced.

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