We are always trying out new techniques, ingredients in the kitchen, or products and it is no different when it comes to our pets. We buy them the latest toys, the most comfortable beds (we believe them to be although I am sure they are not that bothered on the tog or thread count) and feed them high-end meals planned as meticulously as we do our dinner preparations.

So when it comes to an organic wholesome and all-natural product such as CBD or better known as Cannabidiol from the Cannabis Sativa plant, we know that we have landed on something good. Using products that are grown naturally offers a wide range of benefits, more so than their factory-manufactured medicinal counterparts, and we have only to reap the rewards.

Adding new vitamins or minerals to an animal’s diet can be done in many ways, some more effective than others, but to truly give your pet the necessary good essential minerals they need to be given daily. To do this can be tricky if you are not as budding a chef as some of the people we might know, but it can still be done.

Foodie ideas

How to get CBD into your cat’s diet and to do so without them not wanting to eat their food. Often we try to get too clever by making over-the-top lavish dishes thinking they will be ‘excited’ to try something new when actually you need to work smarter not harder (as my granny always liked to say, and she was right).

You need to think of ways to add the vitamin-rich ingredient into their existing meal plan, this way they are familiar with the dish and will eat it as per usual. Some clever kitty treats recipes found here https://cannabis.wiki/recipes/how-to-make-sweet-potato-and-chicken-cbd-cat-treatshave proven successful with many pet owners, it could be a good starting point to get your creative juices flowing in the kitchen.

The oil version of Cannabidiol is highly versatile and has been used in everything from kitty-shaped cookies to a few drops stirred into cooked meals just before serving. This aspect alone is what makes it so sought after and why we initially decided to give it a try, it was fuss-free to use, implement into the existing meal schedule and we have never looked back.

Why not try fish-shaped treats (because we know cats love a fish am I right?) that once they come out of the oven you let them cool down for a minute and soak a few drops of the CBD oil into the top of them and pop the min the cookie treat jar. They are quick to grab for a treat on the way to the vets and while your cat is munching away happily he won’t have realized you have pulled up to the veterinary clinic for the bi-annual check-up. Win-win.


How much is enough, we have all heard the comment that too much of a good thing is a bad thing, and while I don’t personally believe this is related in any way to cake (one can never have enough cake) I know that this does ring true when giving your pet CBD?

You need to be sure that you have done your research and homework into the product before giving it to your animal, the amount depends not only on their breed and type but their weight and sizing.

It can be tricky as too much or an overdose could cause a severe negative effect on your animal with long-term side effects, too little and you end up feeling frustrated that the product you spent money on isn’t doing what the success stories claim it to do. Try this link for a quick tip and advice on what to look for, how to begin, and the process that is involved to execute it successfully and correctly.

The time it takes to learn and master the correct dosage for your pet is minimal compared to the benefits they will reap from an organic product. Not only will you no longer need chemically-enhanced medicinal products, but you are offering your pet a better quality of life they may not have had initially. Less pain, no build-up in the joints causing inflammation, and better situation assessment for fewer anxiety attacks, you have tried everything else what have you got to lose?

What to choose

You don’t need convincing to try a natural product that gives a more organic approach to medicine, but knowing where to purchase CBD from is a feature many customers struggle with. We know how sales work, each company claiming to be better than the next, so ensuring the one you go with is a reliable source is vital.

Ideally, brands and businesses such as Holistapet products for cats where customer service, as well as the quality of product, are two main objectives will give you peace of mind that you have made the right choice in seeing what is available on the market and giving it a chance.

There are hundreds of brands per category, and like with other products reading up on customer comments sections and reviews on the brand’s webpage will give you a quick overview of what service and the product you are likely to receive.

Recommendations from friends and family, if you have the opportunity, is always a safe bet in my eyes, they will tell you like it is and you can conclude for yourself from there.


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