How an ATM Helped a Lost Girl Reunite with Her Family

Ankit Singh

How an ATM Helped a Lost Girl Reunite with Her Family

In crowded places, it’s not uncommon for young children to get separated from their guardians. Despite repeated attempts to locate them, parents sometimes face prolonged distress before the child is finally found and reunited through police intervention. Recently, an inspiring incident in Zhejiang Province, China, highlighted the unexpected role that technology can play in such situations. Here’s the story of how an ATM machine helped reunite a lost child with her family.

How an ATM Helped Reunite a Lost Child

An 8-year-old girl in Zhejiang Province found herself lost after shopping with her grandfather. While returning home, she became separated from him due to the crowded market. Instead of panicking, the quick-thinking girl made her way to a nearby ATM booth. There, she pressed the red emergency button, which connected her directly to the bank’s monitoring center. Employee Zhao Dongying heard the girl’s voice through the intercom and asked if she had any contact number for her grandfather or someone she knew. Unfortunately, the child could not recall any phone number.

The Quick Response from Authorities

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Zhao promptly informed the police. Thanks to their swift action, officers arrived on the scene and successfully reunited the girl with her grandfather. This incident has garnered widespread praise on social media, where many commend the girl’s resourcefulness and intelligence. Rather than seeking help from a stranger, her choice to utilize the emergency features of the ATM was remarkable and showcased how technology can assist in critical situations.

Emergency Features of ATMs

The ATMs in Zhejiang Province are equipped with two types of emergency buttons: one for direct emergency calls and another for triggering an alarm. When the emergency call button is pressed, the incident is immediately communicated to the bank’s security personnel. Conversely, the alarm button serves as a way to alert the police in emergencies. This dual functionality aims to enhance safety and provide immediate assistance to individuals in distress.


This incident serves as a reminder of the ingenuity that children can exhibit, as well as the importance of readily available emergency systems. It highlights an essential lesson for parents and guardians: educating children about the use of emergency features in public machines can be life-saving. As urban environments continue to become more crowded, having this knowledge could empower youngsters to seek help effectively and smartly when separated from their loved ones.

Ankit Singh

Designation: Technology Editor Education: B.Tech in Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay Bio: Ankit Singh is a tech enthusiast with a deep understanding of the latest trends in technology and innovation. With over 8 years of experience in tech journalism, Ankit has a knack for breaking down complex topics into reader-friendly content. His expertise includes AI, cybersecurity, and emerging tech trends. Email: [email protected]