How Ticket Prices Soar in Online Flight Bookings: Know the Key Factors

Priya Sharma

How Ticket Prices Soar in Online Flight Bookings: Know the Key Factors

As travel plans begin to unfold, many people are turning to online platforms to book their flight tickets. However, it’s essential to be aware that ticket prices can surge even during the initial price check. This isn’t merely due to supply and demand dynamics but rather a tactic employed by airlines using sophisticated algorithms to manipulate prices. Despite regulatory efforts by the government to curb consumer exploitation through opaque pricing methods, many airlines and online booking platforms are still taking advantage of these technologies to inflate ticket prices unfairly.

Understanding the Price Surge

With the festive season approaching, airfares are witnessing sharp increases. It’s crucial to note that these hikes do not solely reflect heightened demand and reduced supply; rather, they are a consequence of algorithms at play in online flight bookings. These algorithms trigger price increases as soon as they detect a heightened interest or search activity for specific tickets.

How Airlines Exploit Users

In mere moments, airlines can use dark patterns and drip pricing strategies to double the initial fare, leaving travelers with no option but to book at these inflated rates. Experts suggest that these tactics violate fair pricing principles, as airlines manipulate demand and supply theories with algorithms to unjustly raise prices.

Impact of Frequent Searches on Ticket Prices

A local survey revealed that approximately 72% of respondents believe that repeatedly checking airfare leads to price increases. Interestingly, clearing browser cookies or switching devices sometimes brings back cheaper fares, indicating that airlines have advanced methods of tracking user activity. If the airline’s servers sense frequent searches for a particular flight, the prices automatically adjust upwards, making it difficult for consumers to find fair prices.

The Illusion of Limited Availability

Airlines often display messages indicating that only a few seats remain for a particular flight, creating a sense of urgency. This tactic coerces customers into booking immediately, ostensibly avoiding even higher prices. Additionally, hidden fees and surcharges are frequently added during the booking process without prior notice, further complicating the consumer’s decision-making.

What are Dark Patterns?

Dark patterns refer to design strategies used to mislead consumers into making decisions that benefit the business at their expense. For instance, e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart often display a product’s price differently before and after logging into an account. Furthermore, they may advertise discounts based on inflated “maximum retail prices” (MRP), not reflecting the actual market scenario where items rarely sell at MRP.

How Airlines Utilize Dark Patterns

When searching for flight tickets, consumers may frequently see that all available seats are filled, although many seats remain unbooked. This method of artificially inflating the perception of demand encourages quick purchases at higher prices, effectively exploiting the consumer’s urgency. Such manipulation, alongside drip pricing, is executed through the very algorithms designed to optimize pricing.

Understanding Algorithms

In simple terms, an algorithm is a defined sequence of steps in computer software meant to solve problems or accomplish specific tasks. These algorithms store temporary data, which can later be utilized throughout their process. Essentially, algorithms can be viewed as a set of instructions that guide software in making decisions based on the data inputs provided.


As digital consumers, it is crucial to understand how ticket pricing methods work and the impact of algorithms and dark patterns on our purchasing decisions. Being aware of these tactics can empower you to navigate online platforms more effectively, ensuring you make informed travel decisions without falling prey to manipulation.

Priya Sharma

Designation: Senior News Editor Education: M.A. in Political Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Bio: With a strong background in political science, Priya Sharma has been at the forefront of political reporting for over a decade. Her insightful analysis and in-depth coverage of national and international politics have made her a respected voice in the industry. Priya is dedicated to bringing balanced and nuanced perspectives to India Rag’s political content. Email: [email protected]