Why Newborns in India Wear Old Clothes: Science Behind the Tradition

Rajiv Sharma

Why Newborns in India Wear Old Clothes: Science Behind the Tradition

Welcoming a newborn into the family brings immense joy but also comes with added responsibilities. One of the most crucial aspects is ensuring the baby’s health and comfort. In India, it is a common practice for families to dress newborns in old clothes for the first few days after birth. This tradition, passed down through generations, raises the question: why do we dress newborns in old clothes?

Understanding the Tradition

Many households in India follow this tradition of dressing newborns in previously worn clothes, often those belonging to older siblings or relatives. This practice is not merely a superstition; there are both cultural beliefs and scientific reasons supporting it—benefits tied directly to the infant’s health and well-being.

Comfort of Old Clothes

Old clothes have a unique advantage: they become softer and more comfortable through repeated washing and wearing. Given a newborn’s delicate skin, wearing old clothes helps prevent discomfort. In contrast, new garments might lead to skin irritations such as rashes or itching due to the stiff and unyielding materials often used in their production.

Minimizing Health Risks

New clothes, especially when worn without washing, can harbor various bacteria and viruses. This poses a significant health risk to newborns, given their underdeveloped immune systems. Infections from these pathogens can lead to illnesses and skin complications. Therefore, preparing a set of well-washed and safe old clothes is advisable before the baby’s arrival.

Choosing the Right Fabrics

When selecting clothes for a newborn, fabric choice is paramount. Opting for soft materials like muslin or cotton ensures that the baby remains comfortable. It is also crucial to avoid tight-fitting garments; prefer loose-fitting, appropriately sized clothing to allow for ease of movement and comfort.

Table of Care Tips for Dressing Newborns

Tip Description
Choose Soft Fabrics Select materials like cotton and muslin for maximum comfort.
Avoid Tight Clothing Ensure garments are loose-fitting to promote ease of movement.
Wash and Sanitize Always wash clothes thoroughly and consider sanitizing them before use.
Monitor Visitors Keep the baby away from individuals showing signs of illness, including other children.

Hygiene Matters

Maintaining hygiene is critical when caring for a newborn. Whether dressing the baby or holding them, caregivers should practice good hygiene. After washing baby clothes with a suitable detergent, they should be sanitized to eliminate any lingering germs. Additionally, it’s vital to limit exposure to individuals exhibiting cold or flu symptoms, including other small children, as they can carry germs that might harm a newborn.


Dressing a newborn in old clothes is not just a culturally ingrained habit but a practice rooted in comfort and health considerations. By understanding this tradition and adhering to hygiene standards, caregivers can ensure that their little ones remain healthy and comfortable during the crucial initial days of life.

Rajiv Sharma

Rajiv Sharma is an experienced news editor with a sharp focus on current affairs and a commitment to delivering accurate news. With a strong educational background and years of on-field reporting, Rajiv ensures that every story is well-researched and presented with clarity. Based in Mumbai, he brings a unique perspective to national and international news.